Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Garuda Photo Contest 2009

My Lens, My Eye

Tentang Kontes / About The Contest

Tahun 2009 merupakan tahun ke-tiga Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest yang diluncurkan pertama kali tahun 2007 dan merupakan media untuk mengajak seluruh fotografer berkomunikasi dan memperkaya budaya fotografi diseluruh dunia. Tahun ini kontes tetap mengusung nama ‘Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest 2009’.

2009 will be the third year of Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest which is launched in 2007 as a medium to encourage all photographers all around the world to communicate and enrich photographic culture for every photographer. This year the contest is still stated as ‘Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest 2009’.

Ini merupakan kontes dua babak: Qualification Round and Final Round.
This is a two round contest: Qualification Round and Final Round.

Babak Kualifikasi
Pada tahap ini, Anda dapat berpartisipas dengan mengirimkan foto-foto terbaik baik yang telah diolah digital maupun yang tidak diolah digital.
Daftarkan foto-foto Anda dengan ukuran yang telah ditentukan dengan maksimal panjang/tinggi 1,024 dan piksel maksimal 150 dpi dan maksimal 1 peserta mengirimkan 10 foto.

Qualification Round
At this stage, you can participate in the contest by send your best photos with or without Digital Exposed.
Submit your photos with specific size max. length/height 1,024 with pixel max 150 dpi and max 10 photos per each person.

Tema Babak Kualifikasi adalah ‘My Lens, My Eye’ yang berarti apapun yang ditangkap oleh lensa kamera Anda merupakan apa yang dilihat oleh mata Anda. Melalui tema ini, Anda diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai Negara Anda melalui tiga aspek yaitu aspek Masyarakat, aspek Budaya dan aspek Lansekap.

Theme of Qualification is ‘My Lens, My Eye’, which means everything your capture through your lens is describe what your eyes seen. Through the theme you describe your country from 3 aspects are People aspect, Culture aspect, Landscape aspect.

Di Babak Kualifikasi, Anda dapat mengirim foto dari periode waktu 27 Februari 2009 sampai dengan 17 Mei 2009.
Penjurian Babak Kualifikasi dilakukan pada awal Juni 2009 dan juri akan memilih 15 finalis untuk maju ke babak selanjutnya.
This round will accept your photos within period 27th February 2009 until 17th May 2009.
Qualification Round Judgment will be holding on earlier June 2009 and Judges will choose 15 photographer participants who are going to Final Round.

Babak Final
Babak Final merupakan tahap lanjutan setelah Babak Kualifikasi.
Pada tahap ini, 15 finalis akan diundang untuk melakukan perjalanan Hunting Trip ke tujuan wisata di Indonesia.
Pada lomba tahun ini, Babak Final akan diselenggarakan pada bulan Agustus 2009.
Proses penjurian akan dilakukan sehari setelah Hunting Trip dilaksanakan.
Pemenang lomba Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest 2009 akan dipilih oleh dewan juri berdasar pada foto-foto hasil Hunting Trip.

Final Round
Final Round is following stage after Qualification Round.
At this stage, 15 Finalists will be invited to a Hunting Trip to a destination in Indonesia and compete each other to making a best photo on specific time.
This year contest will be holding Final Round on August 2009 to two destinations in Indonesia.
Judging process will be planed one day after The Hunting Trip.
The Winner of Garuda Indonesia International Photo Contest 2009 will be choose by Judge Board based on their Hunting Trip result photos.

Kriteria / Criteria

Kompetisi terbuka untuk semua orang di seluruh dunia
An open competition for anyone around the world

Tema / Theme

Ini merupakan kontes dua babak:
This is a two round contest:

  • Babak Kualifikasi (27 Februari 2009 – 17 Mei 2009)
    • Tema: “My Lens, My Eye”
    • Tema ini menggambarkan Negara Anda dari tiga sisi: sisi Budaya, sisi Manusia, dan sisi lansekap
  • Qualification Round (27th February 2009 – 17th May 2009)
    • The Theme is: “My Lens, My Eye”
    • This theme will describe your country from 3 side : culture side, people side, landscape side which represent your country
  • Final Round
    • Tema: “My Eye on lndonesia Hospitality”
  • Final Round
    • The Theme is: “My Eye on lndonesian Hospitality”

Periode Pendaftaran / Entry Period

Pendaftaran diterima mulai tanggal 27 Februari 2009 sampai dengan 17 Mei 2009, pukul 24.00 wib (GMT +7)
Entries are accepted from 27th February 2009 – 17th May 2009, 12:00 pm Indonesia Time (GMT +7)

Hadiah dan Penghargaan / Prizes & Awards

Prize Name

Number of Winners


First Prize


- Trophy
- Cash Money Rp. 30.000.000,-
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

Second Prize


- Trophy
- Cash Money Rp. 20.000.000,-
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

Third Prize


- Trophy
- Cash Money Rp. 10.000.000,-
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

The Best People/Culture


- Trophy
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

The Best Landscape


- Trophy
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

The Indonesian Hospitality*


- Trophy
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

The Garuda Experience*


- Trophy
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

Garuda Indonesia Ambassador of Photography


- Trophy
- Garuda Indonesia Return Ticket

* The Indonesian Hospitality Award
The picture which reflect of respect, caring, tenderness, and pleasant character from Indonesian People in any level and any activities. For example, picture describe of a restaurant servant served their guest, a hotel bellboy welcoming their guest, etc. The picture describe of welcoming, caring, and any activities which make people happy and comfortable.

* The Garuda Experience Award
The picture which reflect of respect, caring, tenderness, and pleasant character from Garuda Indonesia in any level of people and in any activities especially in servicing all Garuda Indonesia's consumer. This picture describe how pleasant, and comfortable Garuda Indonesia' services. For example: an stewardess welcoming all passenger at flight main gate, or Check in Counter activities, Flight Attendant are served their passenger, etc


  • Foto-foto merupakan gambar yang diambil dengan menggunakan kamera digital.
    Accepted JPEG images are graphic files taken with digital still cameras.
  • Format File: JPEG.
    File Format: JPEG only
  • Ukuran maksimal per image adalah: 500kb (maksimal panjang/lebar 1.024 piksel, resolusi 150 dpi).
    Maximum size per JPEG image: 500KB (Max. weight/length 1,024 pixels, resolution 150 dpi).
  • Foto multiple tidak dapat didaftarkan sebagai 1 gambar.
    Multiple photographs may not be submitted for one picture number.
  • RGB akan diaplikasikan sebagai warna standar pada saat penjurian.
    RGB will be applied as the standard color space during the judging process.
  • Pemenang akan diminta mengirimkan foto dengan resolusi tinggi untuk keperluan produksi dan pameran yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan kontes.
    Winners may later be requested to submit JPEG images with higher resolution for winning works, for such purposes as the production of publications and exhibitions related to the contest.
  • Setiap orang dapat mengirim foto maksimal 10 image.
    Each entrant may enter max. 10 JPEG images.
  • Mohon untuk mengisi form pendaftaran secara online dan daftarkan bersama karya foto. Mohon untuk membaca dengan seksama dan lakukan pendaftaran dengan meng-klik tombol “entry”.
    Please fill out the online entry form and submit it along with the JPEG images. Please read the details below and then make your entry by clicking the "Entry" button in this page.
  • Karya foto yang telah didaftarkan tidak akan dikembalikan dalam kondisi apapun.
    Submitted images will not be returned under any circumstances.
  • Peserta tidak akan memdapat surat konfirmasi pendaftaran.
    Entrants will not be notified of receipt of their entries.
  • Image yang masuk/yang telah dikirim akan diterima sebagai peserta lomba bila telah memenuhi persyaratan yang disebutkan diatas.
    JPEG image entries are accepted only in accordance with the procedures mentioned above.
  • Seluruh data yang dikirimkan melalui internet, termasuk data foto, data personal akan diatur oleh pihak Indo Multi Media dengan petunjuk dari penyelenggara acara.
    All data submitted to the contest via the Internet, including image data and personal information, will be managed by Indo Multi Media in accordance with the directions of the contest organizer.

Notes :

  • Photographs that have been published and images that have won awards will not be accepted.
  • The committee reserves the right to disqualify entries that violate or show any Indonesian people, places or subjects in an uncomplimentary way.
  • All entrants, particularly those under 18, are responsible for ensuring their submissions are in compliance with the legal requirements of their country.

For further information, please contact us at: photo@garudacompetition.com

Contact Us

Please use our address and contact numbers are as follows:

Garuda Competition
Globe Building 3rd Floor
Jl. Buncit Raya Kav 31-33 Jakarta 12740
Telp. +62.21.7918 7008 - Fax. +62.21.7918 7009
